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Poll time! As soon as I finish the current page I'm drawing of Last Survivor: Final Episode, it's time to work on Act 2!  

Now that we have 5 different paths open (with different stories and different endings), which one would you like to see finished first? Keep in mind Vodka and the Breeder Queen will have a main role in ALL paths.

I'll complete every path of course! So I'm just doing this poll to see what path you want to see meeting its conclusion first. These paths are shorter in Act 2, in comparison with Act 1.

Personally, I recommend "Path A1(1)" first, but you have the last word! :3



Julian Hartmann

Oh this looks like the majority wants to see total corruption, Xpray. Can't say I'm disaproving. So, is path C officially dead?


🤞🏻🤞🏻 For total corruption!!


Nono, it's alive! It's just that I can't show it until Act 2 is complete, because it shows a lot of stuff that takes place in that act.


Figures, everyone loves the “bad” ending in hentai

Darth Drakus

Am I a killjoy for wanting a positive end to this saga?


Of coooouuurrrssseeee I want the bad ending. 😁


*sigh* Once again, the poll I choose has the lowest votes... :(

Sebastian delaBarra

Oof... now this is toughest decision ya had me do.


No. I prefer good endings too. Everyone else wants to see how wild the Sex gets when they get raped. Kind of sad that everyone wants bad ending because 'good guys always finish last' mentality is always there.


Question: which path is the Kanon path?


If ya'll don't pick path C then ya'll gonna get yo butts wooped from me

Julian Hartmann

I think the whole point of having a multiple path structure like this is that there is no canon path...


suddenly path A pulls ahead with no warning


I still hope there's a direction where Bukka, Vodka and the Breeder Queen become a triumvirate.


No worries! I'm going to finish all the paths. This poll is just to see which one I finish first :)

Jacob calderon

Mmph honestly I wanna see path C come to fruition, see Bukka get knocked up by Adam so suddenly.