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Which one of these Monster Hunter monster thingies would you like to see drawn by me? It'd be an anthro -sexy- version of that monster, very probably female, herm/tg or both versions.



Lunastra vote for Teostra!

Floppy Human

Wow I didn't expect a poll like this.


I feel like Rathalos shouldn't have been included. Toomuch Rath hype! (Kidding lol)

Nathan Smith

Gotta go with Rath since there is no Zinorge


No Rathian?! Bruh! D:

Fleur Dryke

I will always vote Rathalos/-ian unless presented with Nargacuga or Barioth.

Julian Hartmann

I don't know anything about Monster Hunter, so I'll sit this one out. (._. )

John Messum

Odogaron we hardly ever seen any shipping of this guy


Teostra is the male version of that monster species. There exists a female version named Lunastra, which might be more appropriate. Similarly, the Rathalos is the male version of that monster species. There exists a female version named Rathian.


I put Rathalos instead of Rathian in this poll just for the color pattern :P. Rathalos' colors look prettier, at least imo! Anyways I'd draw Rathalos as a female or a herm/tg, even if they're male. x3