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People usually draw donkey characters in situations related to farms and such. However... I wanted to twist things a bit and draw a classy donkey girl in some kind of palace or castle (which will be drawn in the colored version) :D

I think this is my first drawing a donkey girl, which is like a personal achievement after drawing so many horses. 

Inks and colors next!




Yay! Classy assy!


I mistook the rings on her nips as milk, if only

Molly McAllister

Donkies are popular in Spain aren't they? For some reason I seem to think so, so I picture this Jenny as being Spanish nobility.


well if any previous pics alts are anything to go by i think its safe to say there might be a lactation alt

Julian Hartmann

And now one of your drawings made me think of a Yu-Gi-Oh building: <a href="https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F23fdLBL.png&amp;sp=bbddf58ec6155d4f172ce34b9758caf5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s14-eu5.startpage.com/cgi-bin/serveimage?url=http:%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2F23fdLBL.png&amp;sp=bbddf58ec6155d4f172ce34b9758caf5</a> That aside, this has the benefit of big, floopy ears compared to your horses. I wanna see her get some ear touching/petting!


Curvy, voluptuous jenny, Xpray! I like her much so ;-3 .


They were used in agriculture and farming stuff here in Spain many years ago, but machines took their place so it's kind of rare to see a donkey nowadays unless you're in a very small rural town.


Classy ass, indeed! :P And ear petting is a fetish I deeply approve of~