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It's hot outside... come here and let her give you a big, even hotter hug.

Inks and colors next! I'll also post the next sketched page of "Lady Xpray: Livestream of Pleasure" on Wednesday.



Tashi Gibson

I think it can never be too hot to get a hug from her! :D Totally amazing!


I'd happily suffer the heat to have a hug from her *nod*


I'll hug her all the time. Does she have a name yet?


Jesus are they bigger than the breeder queen??!!


I'd cuddle up to those soft, furry wolfess tiddies anytime, regardless of the heat index ;-3 .

Julian Hartmann

Aw yeah, you may have just sketched your biggest chest ever! On purpose or by accident, I approve of the results! Also, how can you not have paw fetish when you put them so front and center and make 'em look so hawt!?!?!? (._. )?

Julian Hartmann

I'm still waiting for Xpray to make that expendable boobchart he seemed to approve of... Would give a clear answer.


shes back! :D


I wonder what's her name is?


She's still a random wolfess atm, but I might give her a name in the future if I keep including her in more pictures or projects :)


Haha I wonder the same! I focus on the paws a lot sometimes, even if I don't have a paw fetish... it's strange :P And yeah, I think she just broke a new record in my boobchart!


Thank you! I draw a suspiciously low amount of canid characters, so I'm super glad to hear they look good :D