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I still wonder how Bukka managed to swallow that equine monster. She must be part snake or something...

Inks and colors next! Also, Bukka will show Adam a new trick in the next page, putting another part of her body to good use. :)



Julian Hartmann

I see big breasts, big cheeks and big testicles in this page, great distribution of space for them Xpray, jetisoning all the facial features you draw on all those other pages for moar of those was the right choice. Still this makes me wonder...? Can big breasted people like Bukka still get jelous of big testicled people like Breeder King Adam?


Let me guess: Bukka will bite him, and he will be on his back, grabbing his dick in pain. Or something. (Surprise that Bukka isn't swelling up like a balloon with his loads)


This is before she was impregnated by Adam right? The one where you agree but also plan to do something else right?? =3

Sebastian delaBarra

Well damn, maybe one of her parents was a snake, if genetics worked like that in this universe.


Yes! This takes place right after the in-game conversation with Adam. It's a path completely different than the one where you agree to let Adam impregnate Bukka. The main difference is that Bukka is planning to exhaust him and escape, free of corruption.


Nah, she won't be that extreme haha :P The plan is exhausting him completely and run away free of corruption.


I'm glad she doesn't have snake fangs... that'd be particularly painful for Adam D:


I definitely need to draw more faces in the next page :o There's only one kind of people who wouldn't get jealous: Big breasted people like Bukka with big testicles like Breeder King Adam :P