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New project! First page of this series featuring Lady Xpray and her first experience at game streaming. 

She looks quite nervous after finishing her first stream though... nervous enough to turn the screen off without closing the stream. Lets hope she doesn't do anything strange while the webcam records every one of her moves... ;)




Oooh this looks really fun! <3


Her fans are gonna get one helluva show. Give it your all, Lady X! Hehehe x-3 !

Julian Hartmann

So, this series will be the first of yours not using standard comic formating? That's an intere- (O_O) Is that a wedding ring on her hand!? /(°ロ°)\

Tashi Gibson

Mhm... she's so hot, so cute, so super well drawn. Thank you, so looking forward to more of it! :)


Glad you like it, NexyB! The fun is about to start! <3

Sebastian delaBarra

Ah nu she too cute, BUT STILL FOOLISH! She only turned off the monitor! Also Battlemounds? Really? Reaaaalyyy??

Chris-Jon Simmons

I like how this is starting out already. Eager to see where you take it from here. ^..^


Oh no! The mystery! /(°o°)\ I used to draw picture-based series many years ago, so I really missed drawing something like that again! Anyways, this project will have some 'comic format' elements like multiple frames and such, depending of the page :3


I'm baaaad at titles ;-; And yes, looks like she forgot to close the stream! Poor girl is so nervous D: