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Final path! No more going backwards after this. I still have to consider if there'll be a "Sudden end" path, but anyways I wouldn't include it until the full project's ending, since it'd lead to scenes that take place after Act 2.

Said so, Act 2 (and thus, Vodka and the Breeder Queen's adventure) comes next after this path! I'm also going to include the in-game conversation that leads to this part.

In this short path, Bukka decides to lure Adam into making him believe she's going to accept his offer, although she won't let him do such thing. The plan is putting him to sleep and escape whenever she has the chance, but she'll have to work HARD to achieve that. Expect a lot of sexually intense scenes.

Bukka knows how to please Adam, his biggest kinks and what kind of stuff he enjoys the most... and she's going to do that as many times as needed until he's fully drained (and you already know what happens to fully-satisfied Breeders).

Inks next! Also, I'm already working on the sketch for my next project too :)



Julian Hartmann

Gosh, does Adam somehow get sexier everytime you draw him? How could anyone keep from imidiatly smooching dat face in the second panal when he gives such a smoldering and demanding look? On the other hand, first time we see Adam un-errected. I didn't know he could do that.


Come now, surely the great breeder Adam has bigger balls than this! Wasn't he supposedly pent up during this time as well? V:

Julian Hartmann

Let's hope he manages to take another three-to-five levels in breeder corruption and eventually dwarf the ladies's round attributes on the bad/best ending path.

Julian Hartmann

True, but Xpray diverting from his sketches in noticable ways is a rare occurance. Maybe we should start a petition?


How would you fail? If Adam's suspicions rises too high, or does Bukka's lust rises too high as she has a thing for equines?


Also if you fail, would you go to the path a route?


It's just a different path, there won't be a fail/success system. However, maybe I'll give the players the option to choose if they want to stick to Bukka's plan or let her lust take over (which would lead to Path A).


Oh! They're supposed to be as big as they were in the first page for Path A, since this scene takes place back then. Anyways, they'll look sliiiightly bigger in the inked and colored versions. They'll keep growing as he gets more and more excited :3


He's full of surprises! But yeah, I think this is the first time I draw him like that :P