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Who needs snake charmers... when snakes can charm you?

Inks and colors next!




Bellly dancer?....What?

Fleur Dryke

I greatly approve of this concept. I can't wait tosee her scale colors.

Julian Hartmann

I count seven piercings, which is good. (^-^)d But more is always better and she has such a beautiful tongue already. (ツ) I think her right hand is breaking perspective a bit, otherwise awesome as usual.

Julian Hartmann

A belly dance is an Arabic expressive dance mostly centered around complex movement of the torso, hence the name.

Floppy Human

Lizard hips hnnnnnggg

Tashi Gibson

You just always draw such great characters! :D Whether they have scales or fur or feathers! :D


Omg!!! She's soo unbelievably cute and sexy snek!!!❤❤❤ how do you make snakes look soo adorable and non-threatening? ^^

Julian Hartmann

You're right! Xpray's artwork may make little boys run into the wild and hug poisonous snakes! /(°ロ°)\


Glad you like it! Her scale colors will be dark gray/black-ish and yellow :)


Snakes are all about the tongue :P Also, thanks for pointing out the perspective thing!


Thank you! That reminds me I should draw feathers more often :3