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First of all, sorry for the delay. I'm dealing with some health issues that are making me work a bit slower, but I'm still alive.

Final page of Path A2(1), before starting Path A2(2) which will be REALLY short. 

Looks like something terrible has happened while Olga was away. She's back in time with enough tools to collect Kang's seed... but Bukka is suffering the sudden effects any true Breeder has to deal with after a good breeding session. Bukka, wake up!

Inks and colors next!



Fleur Dryke

well, I think we all saw this coming


I KNEW IT, I KNEW THE PLACE WAS UNDER ATTACK Xpray can I have a reward? :3

Julian Hartmann

Ah, What Olga is holding is supposed to be one of those scientificy fluid containers. At first glance, I assumed it's the top part of Adam's dismembered member. /(°ロ°)\