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Colors! Olga should be back any moment now... and with her, the ending of this path. 

Do you remember what happens to a Breeder after having sexual intercourse?




Nope I do not remember, can you refresh our memories? :D


With queens, I seem to recall they get very sleepy. Heh. And that lower left panel, ohhh my

Julian Hartmann

Yeah, she'll fall asleep, right? But is that a reason for Kang to stop? (ツ) Slighty dissapointed that Kang has no speech bubble in the lower left panel. With that expression, I'm sure he'd say something profound.

Fleur Dryke

yep, Kang sure is enjoying himself here. This is gonna be interesting


Oooh, that bottom left panel...it's perfection. <3


They lactate, fall asleep, and the eggs REALLY begin to grow, if I remember correctly. If Kang remains stuck in there, will she hit that stage? Could they go to the limits of his stamina / as long as he can keep a fat knot?


They could keep going for hours until Bukka is completely exhausted (which already happened in another path) as long as she doesn't stop, but they're about to suffer an interruption.

Sebastian delaBarra

Jeezus My man Kane is being a real MVP to be able to keep it up after several orgasm. Give that man a medal!