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Looks like Bukka's entire body is still growing in proportion to her Breeder Queen "status"... the difference between her and Kang is even more noticeable now!

However, Kang is finally releasing his final load. What'll happen after this? Why hasn't Olga returned yet?




I do hope that her belly ends up bigger than Kang. Bunny + Breeder should be an unbeatable combo.


damn, shes turning into a big bunny queen, soon she'll probably be bigger than the Queen herself o.o, also the reason Olga hasn't returned yet is because the place is probably under attack from breeders trying to get to their new Queen most likely

Fleur Dryke

Kang sure looks like he's having fun, that's for sure.

Julian Hartmann

Bottom left panel: "Made it Ma! Top of the world!" Can we start a petition for breeder queen Bukka to ursurp the easter bunny's position? I'd prefer getting eggs from her. (ツ) But when you say "Kang is finally releasing his final load" for some reason that sounds like it'll be the final load of his life! /(°ロ°)\


They grow up so fast. It'd be pretty funny if she wound up outgrowing the original queen


Indeed! Breeding a queen is not something that happens everyday :P


He should extend his arms and say "I'm the king of the world!" in the bottom left panel :P Haha no worries, he'll live to see those "easter eggs". At least in this path~


At this point, the original queen will receive an unexpected surprise when she confronts Bukka :)