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Poll time!

The current path for Last Survivor: Final Episode is almost over (2-3 pages left) and I already have the next -super short- path and the beginning of Act 2's storyboard doodled, but I'm very curious about what kind of content/themes you'd like to see appearing in this project.

Please share your thoughts!


Julian Hartmann

Thanks for allowing multi voting! Me clicking exactly half of the suggestions probably shows you can do little wrong for me.


Can we add one in there for more transformation of the other female characters:)


more shark lady vodka :D

Julian Hartmann

I think that one would be redundant since one of the happy endings is surely gonna be the breeder utopia ending.

Herald Hearth

Shark sisters need some more action~


More preggies is always good. Can we hope for them becoming even more pregnant over the course of the story?



Sebastian delaBarra

Personally I wanna see more of Vodka's sis. She seems more head steady and personally I hope the sisters get to reunite. I also wanna know more about Kang story wise. Without getting into spoilers I am kinda curious about his backstory. Also no option to shoot Adam yet? COME ON XPRAY LET YER BOI SHOOT THE HAWSE BUG MAN!


I'd like to see some lesbian action possibly between Vodka and Bukka [a non transformed Bukka]


More preggies is always lovely. I'd so love for a preggers Queen+Vodka+Bukka+Adam/Kang foursome!


Please there's enough preggies as it is. No more ;_; but I mostly just want to see act 2 already.


NO MORE PREGGI, HATE PREGGI, if more preggi I quit, all last comics is only on pregnant, may be enough.


I like pregnant characters, but I know I have drawn a lot of it lately and I don't want to specialize in one fetish in particular. My next comic/project (which begins next month) won't be related to pregnancy since I want to explore other sexy themes.


No worries, there shouldn't be more pregnant characters in this act, besides Bukka. Vodka got pregnant in Episode III so that should be the last character we'll see like that. The Breeder Queen will be in a non-gravid state, and some characters will be back to normal depending of the path.


I'll see. I don't want to go too crazy with the sizes :P