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I'm going to draw and post a series of previews/sketches to show you some of the secondary projects I want to develop when Breeding Pact is over. You'll get to vote which one I should draw first!

They'll be B/W or flat colored projects (short comics or series of pictures) with a simple story, but entertaining to see and above all, sexy.

This first project is a series of pictures about the creation of the first hippogryph or something like that. A hunk gryphon and a mare meeting, loving each other much and creating a new kind of feathered hybrid. It will be focused on tasteful sexual encounters and sexy proportions.

More to come!



Tashi Gibson

A mare? :D So hot! All the votes! :D


Question: will you ever reopen commission works in the future?


Xpray, this world needs more of your equines. That's a mighty pretty mare. <3

Julian Hartmann

Now throw in a birthing scene of that first hippogyph and you got my vote. Oh wait, I'm the only one with that fetish on here, nevermind. (._. )


Oh yes, I'm excited for this! ^^ I wonder if there will be breast play? <3


Not the only one with that fetish. Though there should be some with all the pregnancy theme artwork on Xpray gallery. Would ask for such scenes too.

Sebastian delaBarra

So now I know what to tell my kid when they ask where hippogryphs come from. ""Well ya seen when a daddy birb and a mommy hawse love each other every much..."


could this possibly be the parents of that hippogryph you drew a while ago? >:D


I am already 110% on board with this set :^)


That'd be nice! As long as he's careful with that beak :P


Oh I was thinking more fondling and groping, but it would definitely be fun if he suckles her with that beak. :3


Of course, as soon as I have enough time. I'll post a journal when commissions are open again.