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Bukka, guided by her primal instincts used her newfound Breeder Queen abilities to convince Kang to breed (or re-breed) her while Olga is away. Hopefully his body will be able to resist the corruption...

Inks and colors next! I'm also working on Breeding Pact's new colored page and some sketches for future projects that I'll show here in a few days.




Atleast theres a limit to how big a queen can store eggs, Even though we don't know if Bukka can store so many

Fleur Dryke

Man, I cannot wait to see how chapter 2 goes at this rate.

Julian Hartmann

"Hopefully his body will be able to resist the corruption..." Please stawp making me feel like I'm a horrid person for hoping for the opposite. You know, there's not much focus yet on that, but I think the fact that 3 people are still watching them makes this even hotter. Hope they appreciate their auddience. Second panel: Bukka, be careful not to stab yourself in the bumpy bits. (._. )


I wonder if the snake guy could of double penetrate instead of double stuff. Seems like it could happened. Also, can Bukka get cured from sex, or just lay more eggs?


And if the cure is made, can Bukka, Volka, and Addam still be saved?


yus, lets see what act 2 has in store for us! bukka is so big, i love it. <3 personally i would have hoped bukka would remain in the cowgirl position and using her additional weight and gravity to her advantage, but thats just me. :3


Haha I know the feeling. That's one of the reasons why I'm creating multiple paths, so everyone can get to see what they want (or at least a big part of it). And yeah, bumpy bits shouldn't be allowed to get so dangerously close to breasts :P


It's not clear yet, but she'll lay more eggs, for sure.


Yes! Everyone can be saved if a cure ends up happening.


Honestly I'd have loved that, but I didn't want to stick with the same position for too long so we can explore other sexy poses and angles! Specially since this scene is close to its ending. :P Also, I'm glad you're liking Bukka's transformation!