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Olga needs to go to the lab's warehouse for a moment... but it looks like Bukka isn't going to stay there waiting.

She's having some kind of "internal conflict": Her rational, logical side against her Breeder side, which wants to make Kang breed her even if there's a change of corrupting him in the process.

No worries, I'm not planning to keep making her belly grow more since that'd be beyond my limits! Also, that picture in the second row looks slightly similar to a scene from Last Survivor Episode II. There's a reason behind that :)

Inks and colors next! This is the prelude to a really hot scene, although this path will be over soon. What path are you liking the most so far?




i for one would like to see her belly grow larger but that size is great too

Julian Hartmann

Second panel is probably the first time you've ever drawn a breeder with a friendly expression. So motherly... ♥ But darn, this is only the prelude? How can it get any hotter? My favorite path so far is still the "Adam conquers all" (or does he?) variant but it has close competition from this one.


I literally got up at 11:40 PM (Went to bed early for work) just to view this masterpiece. Keep on the great work Xpray! I LOVE this comic! And holy crap her belly is huge and shes huge and just...We need to see art of Queen Bukka just like with the Queen!


Olga got the sperm sample right?

Julian Hartmann

Maybe she's going to the lab's warehouse to get the 10 galleon container for the sample?


The "plot" thiccens. And I'm liking the path that leads to the best ending for humanity lol.....but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy checking out some of the less fortunate endings


Well, I'm not going to complain about her size at all. It'll be interesting to see how her internal conflict plays out. Hehe.


You're right haha, I think this is the first or second time I draw a breeder smiling all friendly and such. Kang will be less passive after this! That's when things will get hotter ;D


Surprisingly, this path should lead to one of the best endings for everyone!


The colored version with text will add more flavor to the "Internal conflict" part, which will evolve further in the next pages :)


I must make sure she's still able to walk! That belly is pretty heavy :P