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And finally, Bukka's corruption manifests itself. Looks like Kang is reacting well to her transformation... Maybe he has a thing for corrupted women?

Inks and colors next! This part with Kang is almost over, which brings us closer to Act 2. Surprisingly, this path will lead to a happy ending! 

Remember, this is the path where everyone knows about Bukka's corruption (if you told Olga about it in the in-game conversation)! That's the reason why Olga is not surprised about it. She's a bit concerned, though...




Holy crap OwO this isn't what I expected It's so good I can't wait to see it complete


Glad this one will have a Happy ending. But now I am scared of how bad it will turn out in the other option...


No worries, Bukka won't die in the other option/path :). However, its ending will favor the Breeders.


When you say happy ending I hope you mean everyone becomes corrupted and transforms :)


It makes me wonder what happy ending(s) Vodka might get as well. And corrupt Bukka continues to be alluring and beautiful. That being said... the thing that catches my eye the most here, strangely enough, is that sweatdrop. I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

Sierra Teylaas

....so big...everything's just so big :) I love the scale of size between Bukka and Olga/Krang, it shows the drastic difference between a queen and regular person.


Grow baby Grow!

Julian Hartmann

Looks like he's reacting well? I can't really make him out on this page, 'cept for the first panel which doesn't show much of him, so I'll take you word for it. But if he truely accquired a taste for corrupted females by now, that's a shared trait with most of your fanbase, I'd say. And I hope Olga's full dialogue goes: "Don't intervene, join in!" (ツ) Well, maybe in the path where Bukka is more secretive. So I'll end this with praising the last two panels, because the first one expertily illustrates how being overwhelmed by perfect beauty must feel like while the second one finally shows us dem corrupted paws again. Really hope we'll see Vodka bursting out of her boots in the second act as well.


If Kang is immune to the corruption, then is he even able to make a breeder female or queen pregnant? Would those offspring be non-corrupted/corruptible if yes?


Even though it makes sense to have big breasts for the new born breeders but holy crap...imagine how heavy they are and how hard it'd be to look down... (unless they can change the size of them)


Haha, I just noticed I drew a sweatdrop in every panel!


Exactly! I wanted to make a lot of emphasis on the size difference :D


Well, Kang is -literally- shooting pre in that last panel! So yeah, he's pretty excited. And yes! We'll see Corrupted Vodka with absolutely zero clothes, just like Bukka :)


Yes! He can make fem breeders -including the Queen- pregnant (remember this page: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/last-survivor-ep-14854821">https://www.patreon.com/posts/last-survivor-ep-14854821</a> ) It's still uncertain if his offspring would be immune to corruption, but they'd have Breeder traits.


From what I see, Im saying about 50 pounds of weight right there I could be wrong, though I could be right

Sierra Teylaas

And I love that! I'm so glad you went all out with the corruption and how different characters look afterward:)