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Time to continue the tradition. No worries, her stripes and stuff will be added in the colored version :P

Inks next!



Fleur Dryke

Oh, man, is it that time of year already? Man, I swear, Xpray, Wennie is like one of my favorite Zebra ladies period. I cannot wait to see the final version because I love this sexy lady.


Heck yeah. Can never have enough of this gal. She is fiiiiine.


But is she dancing on the pole or is her pole actually dancing?


Very good sketch, I love it! :3


Boy, Wennie must LOVE dancing in front of her audience a lot to start getting all hot and bothered ;-3. Looking forward to the end result, Xpray!


Oh good you went with my idea. Showing off that pussy!

Tashi Gibson

Mhrr.... all the goods on display! You were right! :D I'm very happy!

Sebastian delaBarra

Wow someone in the background is getting a bit excited. Also is it bad that the first word that came to mind when looking at this was "nom" ?

Julian Hartmann

Related to the comment above: This is pretty funny when you consider that members of the equidae family will often try to chew on human clothing when you get near to them. So some of the stuff depicted in this one is something Zebras actually do. Of course, it also depicts stuff Zebras merely should be doing. (ツ) BTW, something I wanted to ask for a long time: Think you'll ever figure out how to put high heels on a hooved character? It's just obvious your Equines are the only species you never draw sporting footwear.


Haha, depends of what part of the picture you saw first :P Jokes aside, equines sure like to nibble on clothes. Personal experience.


Glad you like her! I drew her for the first time 12 years ago and I still enjoy doing it as much as I did back then. She's a really fun character :)


Hehe yeah! It has been years since the last time I drew her "unmentionables", so I'm glad I fixed that :)


I lost one of my T-shirts years ago, for that reason D: Honestly I'd like to draw Wennie wearing footgear someday, like some kind of stilettos or something like that. Sounds a bit challenging, but I should investigate a way to draw high heels for hooved characters.