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My -still unnamed- jackal girl doing some kind of necromancy or mummy stuffs to look all spooky. This sketch will be colored this week!




Maybe you should do a poll on what name to give her or a raffle and have one of your supporters choose a name.

Victor Clout

Hathor, The Goddess of Love? Though she looks pretty badass... Nephthys, The Mother of Anubis? I dont know just thinking.

Julian Hartmann

This is one of my favorite cases of "technically not naked! (^-^) Sure she's not trying to summon an incubus? (ツ)


I'll consider that! I have a few candidate names atm :)


An egyptian-looking incubus would be interesting :D


I like those names, although I try to avoid using gods' names since they're already "taken" and she's not directly related to any god :) Since I have some egyptian names in mind, maybe I should do a poll (as suggested before) and share them there to decide a name for her.