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On her way to the Last Survivor ship, Bukka hears something and decides to investigate. Looks like multiple corrupted females found a potential candidate for their breeding purposes... What's so special about that snake guy?

Inks next! Also, does someone recognize that jackal girl?




He's not skinny, he's dehydrated!

Sierra Teylaas

Bukka can make a new friend!

Fleur Dryke

Jackal looks a tad familiar, is that Nefer?

Julian Hartmann

That look he sports in the fourth panel is perfect! All that's missing is some tears in his eyes! \(°ヮ°\) Yes, she looks familiar with those double earrings. So, will it be purple hairends with a blonde one on top or can breederfication even improve your tacky choices in hairstyling? (ツ)


No! She's my -still unnamed- jackal girl, which I drew and posted here a few times. That one with the black and purple hair :) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/jackal-showoff-5180490">https://www.patreon.com/posts/jackal-showoff-5180490</a>


Who knows! Super advanced corruption can make you grow "tentacle-looking" hair like the Breeder Queen, which also looks like Predator's hair :P