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IMPORTANT: After this page, the next pages will have some nice surprises and an unexpected sex scene. More corrupted/preggy females, a new double-endowed male character (way nicer than Adam), another female character... and a trio scene. I can't wait to share them with you all!

Suddenly, a familiar Breeder appears to help Bukka (since he already feels she'll be his future queen) and distract Adam while she runs away. 

After that, Bukka is starting to feel how the eggs inside her grow more and more by the minute, so she's going to find a way to "hide" or hold it tight temporarily before moving on with her plans. Spoiler:  No corset can hold an expanding gravid belly forever...

Inks next!




Ah i See. It's the same that happened to vodka. But is there a chance that bukka and vodka will survive and stay normal? (Maybe in another path )


Swell baby swell!


With a rack like that? She's gonna need more under wiring than the Brooklyn bridge.

Julian Hartmann

Surprise muscly naked man hug from behind! There's nothing gay about it if you do it to save a female who'll never have sex with you but only guys outside her own (and your) species, right? And why am I imagining fighting game styled health bars above both of 'em? Maybe because their poses look like they'd fit into Street Fighter II? One serious technical question though: How fast can Bukka run in high heels? You thought the paths where here boots teared away would grant her a speed advantage...


Well, this should be interesting to observe. Both with Bukka trying to hide things, and with the possibility of her finding Vodka and others soon. :)


Haha! Well, that's the Breeder Bukka had sex with in Episode 1 (and also appeared in Episode 2) :P And that's a good question. I suppose Bukka has been wearing high heels for so many years (during missions and such) she's a pro at running with them now. Hopefully they'll be able to support her increasing weight~