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Such an inspirational teacher!

Colors next. I'm pretty happy with how the colored version is looking so far, so I can't wait to share it with you all as soon as it's complete this week!

I'm also working on the sketched version of Breeding Pact's next page, which is almost ready.



Fleur Dryke

Can't wait to see final still

Julian Hartmann

Are those.... Toeless stockings? That surely is a rearly drawn form of clothing, I actually had to look up if it actually exists before this comment. For someone who claims to not focus on feet/paws/talons/claws, you sure put a lot of efford into stuff like that. Random: I actually confused the end of her rail for a really long toeclaw. I'm a little bit sad it ain't one. I'd really like you to draw an apex predator with really massive toeclaws one day, like a Velociraptor or something. Well you did draw a Triceratrops lady, as well as feathered females before so I'll keep my hopes up.

Rusty Shackleford

So I notice you like reptile women what do you think of Cosma from OK KO <a href="https://68.media.tumblr.com/ac39b0c03026b0902b05959d8a7acf19/tumblr_ovske1rMLL1vroscgo5_500.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://68.media.tumblr.com/ac39b0c03026b0902b05959d8a7acf19/tumblr_ovske1rMLL1vroscgo5_500.jpg</a>


thirsty over a drawing 😹 In all seriousness, looks lovely cleaned up. It's such a treat looking at the pdf files and art videos watching the process go from pencils to fully colored and shaded works.


Yeah! Toeless stockings since the toeclaws would ruin classic stockings haha. I must admit I'd love to doodle more raptor girls, they're always so fun to draw :D