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Update 14 for Last Survivor: Final Episode! Remember to check the attachments and please, don't hesitate to send me a message if you have technical issues, or if you want to report a bug.

Also, please consider this is still a work in progress, so the user interface (specially for the in-game conversations and choices) still has to change a lot!


- Page 12, 13 and 14 for path A1(2) have been added to the storyline.

- Path A1(2) has arrived to its conclusion for Act 1. It'll continue in Act 2.

- Gallery updates.

- Fixed an issue with the "Load Game" button, which was sending players to wrong comic pages after clicking on "skip" if they already the ending for path A1(1).


"TO DO" LIST for future updates:

- Beginning of Path A2 (in Act 1).

- Two new comic pages.

- Small animation.

- User Interface improvements.

- Revisions to in-game conversations.

- Possible oral sex minigame or animation for Path B

- Improvements to the Save/Load system.

- Multiple save slots.

- Updates to the Gallery and the Wiki/Codex, Adam's entry being next.

- Sound Effects for buttons and the title screen.

- Updated sprites for in-game conversations.

- New UI options/buttons available during conversations and comic pages.



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