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First of all, July's rewards will be sent tomorrow or on Sunday! Remember to check your pms!

I must admit this page was more detailed than expected, so inking it was a bit more time-consuming than usual. My poor hand :<

Colors next!



Zanon Silvus

Is he... changing too? O.o


Oh my. Bukka is certainly looking more aggressive in this path.

Julian Hartmann

Looks like Bukka is growing a nice tail there, sweet. I always love when tails get slung around a partners leg in those situations, you know? And for some reasons I can't stop thinking about these two attending a high school class reunion after all the rapid changes they go through. Would be akward.


Definitely. The transformation is making her greedier and more agressive, just like a Breeder Queen.


I agree, that's kind of romantic! At least in in my opinion. And yeah... I think I can imagine how a high school class reunion like that would end... c.c