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Colors! This is how you doom an entire civilization, one creampie at a time. I think you can imagine the possible outcomes of this, although there'll be a few surprises.

I'll finish this path in August, since there'll be THREE Last Survivor updates instead of two (besides Breeding pact and other illustrations, of course). Expect big -sexy- changes for Adam and Bukka, in the next page.

The newest colored page of Breeding Pact will be posted tomorrow or on Sunday!



Tashi Gibson

Just taking a quick peek :D Already looks delicious. :D I try to keep the surprise until you send out the newest game at the end of the month. :)


So sexy and beautiful~


My jaw is hanging open here...goodness...Bukka is taking to this like a duck to water...I can hardly wait to see how this all comes together.

Drake Cervantez

Is she really gunna end up bigger than the breeder queen!? Oh my...

Fleur Dryke

Definitely interesting.


gah this page is so great,keep up the awesome work

Julian Hartmann

Trying to apply the measurement of corruption you suggested at my comment on the inked version, Adam has Corruption level 6 and Bukka... 8 or 6? Depends on wether count the horns as spikes or not...

Sierra Teylaas

I can't wait to see a size comparison between Bukka and the Breeder Queen (Also Vodka:)


Yes listen to her, give her mooooore!


From 0 to 10, Adam has a level corruption of 6, I think. Bukka's level would be... 6.5 or 7, so there's still room for more corruption :D