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Colors! Do you remember when this Breeder tried to dominate Bukka in the first episode? Looks like the tables have turned...

One page left before Act 1 ends for THIS PATH. After that, I'll draw the path where Bukka lets Adam breed and corrupt her further... which will lead to some kind of "backfiring" for both characters. Once again, don't worry, the other paths will be shorter.

Remember to play the Flash Interactive Adventure I post/update (here in Patreon) and send you every month, since that's the main purpose of this project. Otherwise, the paths thing wouldn't make sense! :)

On a side note, next sketch page of Breeding Pact tomorrow or on Monday!




Dear heavens. She's turning into quite the beauty. And looks like she's going to be pretty strong. It begs the question. Is the breeder queen a pure strain, for lack of a better way of putting it, or is she herself a hybrid/descended from a hybrid?


Looks wonderful!

Fleur Dryke

I think it's safe to say that Bukka has found her first loyal servant.

Cameron Holmes

since bukka is a breeder queen and thus can alter the dna of those near her...... couldnt she revert everyone back from being breeders?


Why does her breast stop being leaky between the third and fourth panels?


adam path is the harem path?

Julian Hartmann

So remember kids: Just one dose of corruption is enough to change your perceptions about alien invaders from "horrible abomimation" to "so cute, cuddely and dependend on me! Must breastfeed!" This has been a public service announcement.


That's a very good question. Her origins are still uncertain, but she's supposed to be a pure Breeder as old as the whole Breeder race. Part of me would love to draw a comic about the Breeder Queen in her young days to explore her background a bit more :)


Not exactly. Corrupting an already-altered individual wouldn't revert them back. However, if a body assimilates a massive amount of Breeder DNA, it could end up corrupting everyone even more. As a breeder queen, maybe she should be able to control those dna-altering capabilities for a more positive use.


Well, they're not leaking every single second... yet :P. Her milk production is still very unstable since her breasts and the rest of her body just suffered a massive, sudden change.


It also gives us a good hint about the Breeders' favorite drink... :D


This is a fantastic twist~