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Sketch! Inks next. Bukka is starting to learn more about her fate and experience her first responsabilities as the future queen of an alien race. A milk-hungry alien race...

One more page and I'll begin to draw the path where Bukka stays with Adam to let him breed her more and more... while she transforms. Will she be able to transform even further, or even affect Adam?




Ohhhh I see where this is going...she can mutate Adam further??? You + this comic = 🐐 Goat status


Breeder Queen Bukka.. yum. <3

Julian Hartmann

This really makes me wonder if her skin changed too. Like, is she still all furry or a bit scaley now? Also: Paws! Finally! \(•ヮ•\)

Fleur Dryke

Oooh, yes. Can't wait. So awesome.


Hmmmm, fascinating. I can't wait to see how she manages to control her new powers and who will eventually emerge on top. :)

Chau-ta-u-auch-ca Rollings

you know what X I am very curious when do you call it quits "on a sketch" and have you ever felt the need and or desire to finish out at sketch in black in white

Sierra Teylaas

She's gonna need way more milk if she's gonna feed an army:)


Yeah! We'll see the consequences of "playing" with corruption ;)


She's still furry, although her fur is supposed to be shorter now! Just like a horse, more or less.


Good question. Basically, I consider a sketch "ready" as soon as it looks good enough to see what's going on in the picture, or when it looks clear/clean enough to be used as a self-guide to draw the inks on top.


Her "new" body is producing milk at full-speed now! :)