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Inks!  Colors next. I'm having a lot of fun coloring this page, although I need to focus on finishing the in-game conversation that leads to this page :)

I hope you're liking Bukka's Breeder Queen form!



Fleur Dryke

I do wonder, are her colors going to remain the same?


Bless us with more, Bestpray!


Liking? Loving what I am seeing so far. I can only imagine what she must be saying/thinking right now. Hehee

Cameron Holmes

I wish you could somehow get like an sfm animation or something of Bukka or Vodka becoming a breeder


This is regarding the Turn Base Combat Minigame(I remember you saying it's not a definitive decision, but I'm asking anyway.) If you do end up making it, will we be expecting something like Monster Girl Quest battle screen?


At the moment it's still uncertain if I'll include a turn based combat minigame, but the combat system/screen would be like a mix of old school JRPG (like Final Fantasy) and Darkest Dungeon.


ohhh seems like the sudden turn of events! maybe that breeder that just appeared is here to serve the new queen as he sensed it?