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Kisses, anyone? I'm pretty sure symbiotes need love, too.

Colors next! If everything goes well, I'll post the new update of Last Survivor's Flash adventure (which includes a functional 'Wiki' update to learn more about the characters, if you're curious) tomorrow. 

 IMPORTANT: Remember, April's Patreon rewards will be sent on Friday!




yanno, despite this not being the male counterpart. this honestly doesn't look too bad. hope to see more male stuff from ya but judging by the majority of content here that probably won't happen.


Don't forget to check my last post! It's male stuff :) And honestly I'd like to draw males more often (specially feminine-looking ones), so I'll definitely make it happen.

Julian Hartmann

That chinmey in the back made me think of those pipes in the Mario games. Plumber is watching you?