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To recap from an earlier post, the way I’m required to masturbate, by mistress is that I can’t take my sissy clit out of my panties, and I can only rub it with the pinky of my left hand, and I have to do this while watching gay porn, all of which makes it very difficult to cum, because I’m right handed, and I’m a hetero sissy.

So, about a week ago I got horny, and it was fairly late at night when I know Mistress is usually in bed. I missed jerking off to big tits, and so… I did. I knew that my camera was on me (we have a rule that if my camera is ever off, Mistress just assumes I’m doing something bad, and acts accordingly) and she could possibly be watching. And one might ask “Why not just masturbate in a different spot where the camera isn’t?” A fair question. The short answer is, I’m a creature of habit, and at my desk in front of my big fancy screen is where I like to do it. I felt like the risk was worth it because she really is an early to bed early to rise-er.

The very next day she out of the blue hits me with “Would you like a blowjob?” Immediately I’m thinking “Fuck, she knows, and this is a trap.” But I played it cool, hoping I’d be able to get it up. I’m not as young as I once was, but also not too old, so even though I sometimes can’t get it up the very next day after cumming, often I can. Well… Not today. There she is giving an amazing blowjob that felt great, but my sissy clit is as limp as a day-old slice of pizza.

At this point I felt sure she knew, and I thought that admitting my infraction would be the best option now, rather than waiting for her to have a big gotcha moment. So, I told her, and she was mad. She immediately stopped blowing me and said that I didn’t get to come that night. Nor would I be allowed to cum until she punished me. As I licked her feet, she thought about what to do to me as punishment. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

She was almost verbatim reciting to me a fantasy I’d wanted to live out for a long time as “punishment”. And as luck would have it, this is what we did 6 days later! Yowza that was a long time to go without cuming (which actually was a punishment). So, here’s what we did last night…

We went out to her car at about 9:30, and as she drove, I changed into my French maid outfit. I live in a mid/low population city, and there are some areas on the outskirts where there is light traffic at night. After we found a spot that had little enough traffic that I could live with, and enough that she was happy with, she pulled over in a dark spot, and kicked me out of her car. I went around to her side (which shielded me from anyone’s view, as there was a forest on this side) And she had me masturbate into a condom.

After cuming, she turned on her head lights, and told me to start walking in that direction. I was literally going to be in a spotlight, POST ORGASM, and I knew she was doing to drive off. She had let me know I was going to have to walk a way to get back into her car. So, she pulls off, and drives into the distance. I could still see her, but my god, that car looked so far away. I’d guess it was about 2 or 3 hundred yards away. At least I wasn’t in a spotlight anymore, and there were no streetlights, just ambient light from some industrial buildings off in the distance.

I have walked in heels a lot but let me tell you this was the most difficult. I was speed walking, trying to run, and an uneven paved road at night post orgasm, and it was VERY difficult. I continued to hurry and kept looking back over my shoulder for headlights (this was a very long straight road). My legs were about to cramp as I got close to her and, saw her jump out. She pointed behind me and said, “There are cars coming!” This really got me moving. I feel quite sure they could both see me in their headlights in the distance. By the time I got to her car, she had opened the back door for me and let me hop in. I was so grateful for this, because the plan was to make me eat my cum out of my condom before she’d let me in. She knew how terrified I was of being spotted and was merciful. After all, she is starting to embrace her sadistic side, but it’s coming slowly, and I was truly freaked out.

When I got in the car, she said that I had to eat the cum right as it passed so they could see if they looked. At this point, my jizz had been in my condom for probably about 3-5 minutes, and it was fucking difficult to eat it. I gagged on the last bit, and covertly spit it out when I jumped out of the back seat to get into the front seat. I hope she doesn’t ever read this, or I’ll be in trouble all over again.

What a crazy experience. I’ve done “long walk” scenarios before, but always solo. It was very intense having my “escape” in the hands of another person. I had told her a lot of crazy things when I was on the verge of coming, and one of which was that she could pull farther ahead once I got to the car if it amused her. I’m so glad she didn’t!

She was really sweet and gave me lots of attention and “aftercare” when we got home, and it was sexy to me to learn what things she liked about it. She really enjoyed my “deer in headlights” panicked demeanor as we were getting ready and scouting locations. Anyway, this post has gone longer than I intended. There is still one more story I’ll tell you about the day she made me spend locked in high heels, but I’ll save that for another post.


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