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do a bonus page (21) of The Princess Adventures 2, or just move on to the next thing? Also, in the comments if you have opinions on what I should work on next, please feel free to sound off. I can't promise I'll do the thing you suggest, but I will for sure consider it.


Jenny North

I like the idea of a bonus pic...I feel like this one ended kind of abruptly. And honestly one of my favorite pics from the first Princess Adventures was the last one when we get a glimpse of the guy having to return to his real life like that! If you're looking for inspiration for other pics, here are a few: Maybe for a guy's bachelor party a guy's friends dress him up like a woman and then abandon him somewhere. Maybe bonus points if he runs into his fiancee while out for her bachelorette party! :) A guy being feminized by someone with a voodoo doll. A Build-A-Bimbo store in the mall? Hopefully something there helps get the creativity flowing!