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Mistress Adrastos was a daemon; hugely muscled, black
horns, red skin the whole nine yards. She had the ability to work magic, and
she could change her body at will. She was as sadistic and psychotic as one would
expect a Daemon Dominatrix to be. She delighted in torturing me in every way
imaginable, but my puritan heterosexuality helped her to form her favorite
torment. She would grow a large male cock, and force me to give her oral sex
until she came.

Adrastos was a patient demigod, and my required method of
stimulation was not to take her cock into my mouth and suck it. No, this would
end my disgusted misery much too quickly. For on the few occasions she had allowed
me to simply suck, I was able to bring her to orgasm and end the ordeal within
a half hour or so. Instead, Mistress preferred to prolong the experience. I was
required to slowly lick the bottom of her cock from the base to the tip, plant
a passionate kiss on the head, make an exaggerated “Mmm” sound, and then lick
again. Over and over.

This entire operation gave her just enough sexual
stimulation that eventually she would come, but not for several hours and long
after my neck, back and knees were so sore I could hardly bear it anymore. When
she did finally come I was required to catch the copious gouts of sticky white
daemon seed in my mouth and swallow them as fast as they spurted. She shot so
much fiery hot satanic cum into my lips that by the time I was done drinking
from her cock-fountain; my stomach was full, and usually even distended.

My mouth, throat and stomach burned as if I had just
eaten a large plate of extra hot chicken wings, but with none of the good taste
or nourishment. No in fact, though my stomach could not hold another ounce, I
would always feel famished and exhausted afterword. It was then she would ask
me what I was, and my required answer was: “I’m your cum dumpster”



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