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Too bad he's not awake to feel those boobs on his neck.



Jenny North

Oh, I think he'll have plenty of boobs to feel in the near future. :) I'm already looking forward to what happens next! I am curious about the style of the artwork, so hopefully I don't cause offense by asking this. I know you said you were going for a more cartoony style--which is great--but even so far I'm noticing you're going for a style that's a bit more off-kilter and psychedelic with the colors and angles. Is that something new you're trying with this story?


I think what you're noticing can be chalked up to my lack of skill with perspective and backgrounds. Heh. Hopefully the content, and characters will make up for that as we go along. I have some stuff coming up in this comic that I think the people who like my work will enjoy, so we'll see how things go.

Jenny North

I'm excited to see! And yeah, that was definitely not meant as a criticism at all...part of the fun of the cartoon style isn't just simpler forms, but you also get to play around with the conventions, which I imagine sometimes serves certain stories. I'm a big fan of your characters and content, so that was just my curiosity about the art. But I think it's got a fun and playful look to it!