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You may or may not have realized that ScS cannot go on forever. Hell, if  teams of highly talented writers on shows like The Walking Dead (for example) can’t make their show interesting indefinitely, then what chance does a lone sissy schlub like me have of writing an infinite and interesting story?

The problem for me has been two fold. #1, the people who support me have spoken pretty loudly that they want ScS to continue. And #2, even if I wanted to end it, I have NO IDEA how to do that… Until this morning.

In a half awake, half asleep state, I was fantasizing as I often do, and an ending to the story (which pleases at least me) popped into my mind. I think this is good news, because though the story will end, it will not run into the ground and die that slow painful death that so many shows, and stories do.

So I guess this is an announcement that ScS will go 1 more episode (20 pages) and then it will be put into suspended animation, to perhaps continue on one day in the future, or perhaps not. I will immediately start a new story in its place having learned the lessons I’ve learned over the last year about drawing and writing and producing content. I hope that you will all consider the new story (whatever it is) to be as good or even better, and I hope that not too many of you will leave in protest of the end of ScS.

Thanks so much for your support, and I hope that we will continue on with a long and horny sissy sexy relationship.

-Love Jizelle.



It is true, Sissy Censor Software could not continue indefinitely. I did not expect it to enslave the Mistress and thought it would end somewhere around there. Thankyou for writing it. I have loved reading it.