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Happy Monday everyone. I thought maybe it was time to tell you about another self-bondage adventure that I had. 

When the spring starts to turn into summer, and the nights get warmer, I always start to have a yearning to go outside and risk humiliating myself. On this particular occasion, I had just purchased a pair of leg shackles that were basically handcuffs, but bigger and with a longer chain. With my new shackles having just arrived in the mail, and the evenings now warm enough to be outside comfortably, the temptation to do a scenario was too much, and I spent most of the day dreaming about, and planning my adventure for that night.

At about midnight, I went out to my small 1 car garage wearing a normal outfit, but carrying a duffle bag filled with my goodies. My garage is not attached to my house, and though my back yard is fairly private, the walk from the garage to my back yard is not at all private. There is a street light right by my driveway that almost acts as a spotlight on my driveway.

When I got into the dark and private garage, or “car hold” *wink wink*, I changed out of my regular clothes into my favorite outfit. I have this classic black and white satin French maid number that is my all-time favorite. If I were rich, I’d buy several copies of this one, and wear it most every day of my life. Alas, I’m not rich and it’s expensive, so I only have the one. It is pretty standard, except two things. 1, it is cut ridiculously short so that it shows off my panties, and 2 I have a special petticoat that is absurdly puffy. It holds out the dress almost horizontally.

After changing into that outfit, and strapping on a pair of 5” spiked heels that have a locking band at the ankle, I rigged something for me to hump later. It is this rubber “pocket pussy” that works quite well for my purposes, and I strapped it to a bench at cock level. I then took out my cock (so I could fuck the rubber thing), and locked the ankle shackles on. The chain is quite long, and one can walk pretty well unimpeded while wearing it. I decided this wouldn’t do, and used a small paddle lock to shorten it to that my ankles were almost touching and I couldn’t take more than a 2 inch step at a time.

This was an important detail, because though my driveway is totally not private, and the risk of me being seen walking from it to my house was high, I could mitigate that risk by simply running quickly. With the lovely shackles on, now it would take me at least 5 minutes to walk from the garage to my back door. The first 2 minutes or so would be on the driveway where I would be completely visible, and almost even showcased, and the last 3 would be in my back yard which was more private, but still not completely so.

Oh I forget to mention one detail. My back yard is visible to 2 neighbors. At night, it is dark enough that unless they had let their eyes adjust, they couldn’t see anything in my yard. As I walked outside horny and eager to humiliate myself, I decided that simply would be NO fun, so I turned on the extra bright porch light. Not only would I be COMPLETELY visible to my neighbors, but as it was late, and I had installed an obnoxiously bright light, the chances of it disturbing and prompting them to look out and see were high. All of this knowledge served to excite me even more as in the garage, I took the final intoxicating step of locking my hands behind my back with a pair of black cuffs that I’ve had forever.

As I heard the last click of the cuff, I was rock hard, and couldn’t wait to cum so that the post orgasm me would have to deal with this situation I’d created for him. I hadn’t realized how difficult it’d be to get my dick into the pocket pussy without the help of my hands and to make a long story short, by the time I finally got in there and had a devastatingly great orgasm, my muscles were quivering and I was dripping with sweat. I was in complete ecstasy… aaaaand now I was in hell.

What the FUCK had I done? I was completely exhausted in these super tall heels. Had I forgotten that I could BARELY walk in them under the best of circumstances, let alone with these shackles on? My legs were already shaking, and I hadn’t even started the 5 minute walk. I could see the blaring back porch light even from in here, and I wondered what I had been thinking. Why did I need to add that detail, this was bad enough without it? My own fucking house- If my neighbors saw me, I’d move to another country, I swear!

I started the walk as fast as I could which was an absolute snail’s pace. Before I even got out of the garage, my quads and calfs were so tired I was worried I literally would not make it. When I was at the garage door, I looked out onto the light of my driveway. What had before seemed to me like a quiet and deserted street, now looked like a minefield of possibilities. There were two dozen places where a person could be watching from without my knowledge. My instincts were screaming for me to stand in the dark for a while and scan the area to make sure no one was there, but I realized my legs would simply not allow that. So, I dashed off to get to the back door at the staggering speed of .000001 miles per hour.

My mind instantly began playing tricks on me, and I was SURE I could hear people coming out of their houses, slamming car doors, etc… I was so scared and humiliated that I just put my head down, and shuffled as quickly as I could.

FINALLY I was at the back porch, and… the stairs. Oh FUCK the stairs! It was literally impossible for me to walk up them with these shackles on. Even if my legs weren’t completely shot, the chain allowed me to lift my feet perhaps 2 inches of the needed 8. I stood there for a moment panicking. With the light burning bright, I might as well have been a vaudevillian on stage. I couldn’t bring myself to look up and see if anyone was watching from their windows. I’d have simply died if they were.

Quickly I turned around, and sat down on the stairs, and then lifted my legs together to the first step. I was able with some difficulty to scoot up that way, but by the time I got to the top I was pouring sweat, and was totally exhausted. Also, my ankles and wrists screamed from straining against the sharp metal cuffs. Somehow I was able to stand up, and get inside the house where the cuff keys were waiting.

I took them off, and rubbed my wrists and ankles and SWORE that I’d never do anything that stupid again… It was probably 3 weeks until I started to remember the outing fondly. 


Kassie Kage

Your adventures are awesome! The closest I've really come to that is forgetting the key to the bag containing my male clothes and walking out from my backdoor all the way to my car, which was parked on the street. It was about 4 AM and I forgot that workers at the business across the street start to show up for work. I ducked into the car and waited until the guy that was in the car that pulled up almost right behind me walked away, then made a mad dash back to the back door. Love your stories!