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Bowser still has ton of bravado despite not knowing whats going on with Peach. Im sure that wont bit him in the ass, right? ;)




Wasn't expecting to see Bowser again just yet. Didn't think he'd appear again until things with Peach were pretty far in. Side note, I do have a little bit of a criticism. I feel like this comic should be a twice per week comic instead of a once per week comic considering the pacing of the story. For how much Peach has gained so far, there hasn't been many pages where we got to see the gains happen (there was only one page of her gaining between the initial setup and the hypnosis setup, then 2 more after the hypnosis happened).


as much as id like to post twice a week, I only have time to make one comic page a week right now. at least regularly. I want to do more pages but I am also balancing other works. That being said, I was intending on posting a second page this weekend since this cut away was more just to show where other characters where they were at. And the next few pages are entirely gain centric.