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It appears that "current anime" has taken this month's poll! As such it will not be present on next month's poll in order to diversify things a bit.

I'd define current anime as things that have started airing in the past 5-ish years, so use that as your general guideline.

Thanks to everyone who voted, and I look forward to seeing what you all suggest!




Probably Natsuki Subaru the protagonist. Mostly because of this scene. <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf0L5KNs9fA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf0L5KNs9fA</a> As for type of vore you do very good anal. But all and all whatever your in the mood for.


Sounds good. I'll be honest, since you're the only person who has suggested anything this month, this is looking like it very well could happen.


That would be sweet for sure. But to be fair there are other suggestions on the post with the link to the strall poll. Even I posted there cause I forgot that you made a second one asking for suggestions.


Neither of the suggestions on that post fit the poll, lol. One of them features video game characters and the other is from classic anime.