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Hey guys! I just wanted to give you an update about some changes and new goals that will be affecting my Patreon page, as well as just kind of chat about my overall hopes with my page going forward. (Warning: Long!)

First thing to address, I have added a new goal at the $900 slot! Some of my long-time Patrons will probably remember me doing a 3-piece pin-up pack waaaay back when I was just getting started on here, and I’ve decided to do another one for the newer patrons who haven’t been around as long. If you weren’t around long enough to remember the original, this is basically an art pack featuring an oral vore piece, an anal vore piece, and an unbirth piece, each with characters chosen by you guys! I look forward to reaching this goal and consulting all of you about who you’d like to see!

Second up, some kind of bad news, due to Patreon tightening the restrictions on their terms of use policy (which is set to go into affect Nov. 1st 2016) regarding “lottery” rewards, I am no longer able to run the sketch lottery going forward. While this is definitely unfortunate, it’s not something that took me by surprise. Lottery rewards, have always been on shaky ground for Patreon, and with this new update, they are going from “not explicitly allowed” to “explicitly disallowed.” Meaning that one can have actions taken against them by Patreon should they fail to comply with these new rules. Thankfully I (sort of) planned for this contingency by introducing the poll pics when I did. The way I see it, the poll pics are actually just the sketch lottery but better since not only is it a colored piece, but it’s functionally very similar as anyone can suggest an idea and have it get made (that being said since it is not “random” it is not a lottery and thus is fine by Patreon’s rules). To help make this transition smoother, I’ve also made the decision that the poll pics will be something I do indefinitely rather than something that only happens as long as we’re above $750.

Third thing, something I’ve been waiting for for quite some time is finally happening. Alongside the aforementioned Terms of Use update for Patreon, they are going to be changing monthly pages (like my own), to be mandatory “charge upfront” rather than “charge at the end of the month.” If you are reading this then that does not mean anything for you, everything should remain exactly the same going forward. However, what it means for me, is that when people pledge, say $15, their first monthly pledge is charged immediately, as such, they are no longer able to pledge, download all my files, and remove their pledge before getting charged at the end of the month. This is something I’ve been waiting for ever since I learned of the theft going on and I am looking forward to it being implemented.

Fourth, as you may have noticed, we’ve lost a notable chunk of the support we gained in my big push this past August. While this is not shocking, it is a tad disappointing. Especially since August and September were not only my best months financially, they were the best I’ve ever had when it came to Patron retention as well. I think something absurd like $891 of the $892 total pledged in September went through, which is an insane number considering I usually lose 3-5% of my support at the end of each month. Hopefully we can start to trend back up soon, but I have a hunch it’s only going to get worse before it gets better, as I currently have my eye on a few Patrons that I intend to ban from my page if they ditch at the end of the month (as it appears they might (I’d love to be wrong though)). Glad I won’t have to do that anymore once the new charge upfront system is implemented next month.

Fifth and finally, some of you may recall that I did a poll awhile back considering the idea of me opening up a separate comics Patreon to help support the regular production of comic pages since I know you guys really like those and they currently aren’t something I can dedicate time to doing. I just wanted to let you all know that this isn’t something I’ve forgotten about, and it’s still on my radar, but it would be a big step and I don’t want to rush into it. I very well may run another poll about it to gauge if anyones interest has increased/waned in the time since I first brought it up.

Alright, I think that’s everything, if you made it through this whole thing then thanks so much for continuing to support my work and following along with all these updates!

And thanks for taking the time to read all this!



Concerning the raffle thing, it's due to raffles being like gambling, which isn't legal in some states if I recall someone saying before. and glad they're changing the system for pledges so with that, does that mean for say, someone gets their pledge for a sketch or something and back out after their pic, and someone else pledges to get said slot, doesnt that mean they get that reward for whatever pic tier they pledged to? It does complicate some things since it means more pics you'd have to do if so ya know?


I suppose theoretically it could mean more work, but people backing out of guaranteed art slots is so rare I highly doubt that kind of thing could happen.