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Hey folks, just a heads up that I've paused my billing cycle for this upcoming month. A bit of a shame since I've never had to do this in the many years I've been running this page, but I've fallen a bit behind on my work here and I am not comfortable charging you guys while simultaneously falling further behind.

What does this mean? It's pretty straightforward, for those of you who are reading this it simply means that come July 1st you just won't be charged. The next time this page will withdraw funds will be August 1st 2022. In the meantime my goal is to use the month of July to get a bit more caught up on the items I've fallen behind on here. Poll Pics in particular are way behind schedule, so I may do a big triple character pic rather than run three separate polls next month, but we'll see!

Why do this now? Well, it would definitely be nice to churn through some of the catch-up work during this last week of June, but I'm heading out on a trip to visit extended family this whole next week, so I won't have access to my drawing tablet. Honestly, if it wasn't for this trip I might not have paused the page and instead just used this time to start getting caught up, but the timing here combined with the amount of work that needed to get done made this pause feel necessary.

How did this happen? I've mentioned it before but my main focus these days is on comics, and with the current Chapter of Starcross releasing new pages each week (at time of writing) I've had to make sure to get those pages done very consistently so there isn't any delays in the public release.

Incidentally, I'm currently toying with ways to change this Patreon page up a bit right now. I have some ideas for different types of content to feature here, and I desperately need to update the reward tiers. I'm going to try coming up with a more solid plan in the coming months to avoid significant delays like this in the future.

As always, thanks for the support and I apologize for the inconvenience. Seems like life is getting harder for everyone these days; just know that I'm doing my best to stay on top of things and I appreciate that you've all stuck around as long as you have.




I'm trying my best to stay on top of things, and I appreciate everyone's patience with this stuff. Truthfully I'm very tired of being behind on my work here and I am actively looking for ways to fix this problem more permanently; until I find that solution I'll make sure to keep this page paused as long as I need to to finally get things back on track.