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If you're a new or long-time patron, please take a moment to read this over (or at least glance at the TL;DR at the bottom)!

It's been awhile since I've made a post like this, but I felt it important to address the shift in priorities that has happened on my end over the past year or so. My long-time patrons here will probably remember when this page was my primary focus, and each week I'd be posting new pin-ups and sketch requests. Obviously it hasn’t been that way in a long time, and the reason for this is two-fold.

The first reason is that I simply got burnt out, drawing the same type of content for literal years will do that to anyone I imagine, and the second reason is that my comics just became vastly more popular than my pin-ups ever were. Truth is, even when I was plugging away on this Patreon page with all my heart, multiple uploads a week, new sketches, previews, multiple fully colored pin-ups, and poll pics every month, this page just felt like it had a ceiling on its growth. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I uploaded and shared it, it just always floated around the $600-$800 mark each month, and while I’m not just doing this for the money, I am an adult with bills to pay, so how much time I’m dedicating to something, and how much money I’m getting for that time is something I just have to be cognizant of in my life.

Notably though, in stark contrast with this page, my comics Patreon that I started a few years back has seen significantly more interest and growth than this page ever has (especially in the past year), and the crazy thing is, I really enjoy drawing comics! I love telling stories, even if they’re just silly over-the-top fetishy things, and people seem really keen to follow and support that type of content. So I’ve mentally shifted gears, and where I felt this was my primary Patreon page for a long time, now comics have become my big focus going forward.

So, where does that leave this page? What exactly are you guys who stick around and throw me a few bucks consistently each month getting for your money? Well, here’s how I’ve started to look at it: while I don’t intend to stop producing any of the content that still comes out of this page, I’ve started considering this page blanket funding for producing side-projects or extra content that is similar to what you all have come to expect. Things like, twitter challenges, weird videos, random sketches/pin-ups, or even big illustrations, when I’m working on those I consider the money I’m getting from you all to be what allows me to justify spending time on stuff like that. Even though I’m not uploading 8 sketches and 4 pin-ups each month anymore, I’m still making stuff, all the time, and truthfully, it’s not even comics most of the time.

You guys are the backbone that allows me to keep having fun and pursuing stuff like this in my own way, even if it’s not rigidly scheduled and posted here consistently. Hopefully that gives some clarity into my thoughts on this, and if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to DM me or leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to respond.

TL;DR: This Patreon page is more like a tip jar these days, and comics are a bigger focus for me now, if you enjoy my content, supporting me here still gives me more freedom to work on random sexy projects that aren’t comics. The type/amount of content I upload here will not be changing at the moment though.

Thanks for your continued support everyone!


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