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As I have mentioned previously on Twitter, this month has been an especially busy one for me with real world stressors drastically affecting my ability to focus on art. As such I haven't been able to complete hardly any of my owed work here on Patreon for December. I'm hoping I can crank out at least one of my owed pieces in the last few days of the month, and possibly get a comic done for my other Patreon page, but beyond that I plan on focusing on improving my mental health and recovering from what has been an almost absurdly awful year for basically everybody.

At the moment I'm hopeful that January will be a bit less busy and I can play a bit of art catch-up, but I hope you all can understand that this has been a rough one for me, and that right now I just need to focus on my own well being.

I hope your holidays are safe and fun, and I hope things begin to change for the better in 2021.


brunis gat

Take as much time as you need Star I'll support you either way. I love your content that you make. Whenever I look at your content I can tell how much time and effort that went into it and how much each piece means to you.


If you need to talk to someone, I’m here ok?