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Hey guys!

I don’t think I have a long introspective new years post in me, but I did want to say a few things.

First off, thank you for all of your support. Be it pledging on Patreon, or

reblogging my work on Tumblr, or favoriting my stuff on Eka’s Portal,

every bit of support means so much to me. I love getting the questions

here on Tumblr, I love seeing the comments roll in on Eka’s Portal, I

love interacting with people on Patreon and I only hope that my audience

and my artwork can continue to grow in the coming year.

Speaking of growth, this has been a year of numbers going up across the board,

tons of views on Eka’s Portal (nearly 3,000,000 total!), over 1,000

followers (and growing) here on Tumblr, and my Patreon support has

nearly tripled(!) since January. It’s still hard to wrap my head around

this stuff sometimes, but I continue to appreciate it every day.

As far as goals for the new year are concerned, I think it all just boils

down to practice practice practice. I am not amazingly satisfied with

the amount of artistic growth I’ve seen from myself this year and I know

I have the ability to do a lot better than I currently am. Every once

in awhile I’ll see something I’ve drawn that sparks something in me and

gives me this feeling that I actually do have the potential to improve

if I just put the time in. I’m going to try and harness that feeling in

the coming year and use it to motivate me to improve.

Beyond that, I just want to be making more stuff, more comics, more pin-ups, more

sketches! I want to kick it into overdrive for the coming year and see

what happens, and I’m going to do my darnedest to stick with it.

I hope you all have a happy new year; I’ll see you soon!


I guess I did have a long introspective new years post in me.


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