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Hey folks, if you follow me on Twitter you may have caught that I moved to a new place about a week ago. Probably goes without saying, but the last couple weeks of my life have been pretty hectic as I've been packing, moving, and now getting my life put back together in a new location (as of writing this I don't even have a proper bed yet still).

Regardless, I'm still planning to fulfill May's Patreon Poll Pic and the owed Pin-Up for Orchestration as well as the final sketches needed for May.

I don't say it as much as I should but I have to once again sincerely thank every one of you who've stuck with me through the all the insanity going on in the world right now. Please know that even when I'm quiet for awhile I'm always working on something, and your support helps me out immensely every month. Love you guys.

More on the way soon I promise!




i have no problem waiting till your comfortable and happy uwu. Hope you have a nice day