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I've been wanting to make a new vore OC for awhile, but I could never come up with an idea I was totally happy with until recently. I desperately wanted to make a character who would allow me to explore different body types, but I've never been a huge fan of goo characters or shapeshifting, it wasn't until my most-recent pin-up involving clone vore when I had the idea to make a character who could divide herself in half, and only recombobulate her body by voring her other selves. I have lots of fun and sexy ideas for her (in fact I'm thinking I may make her the subject of Monday's pin-up for this week), so I hope you guys enjoy her, and, as I said in the title, name suggestions are welcome. :)




Oh man, that is a fantastic idea. I love it!


Aw crap. Hit enter because I thought it was going to go to another line. Um... How about Marie? She looks like a Marie.


Glad you like her. :) Marie is definitely a cute name, I'll consider it.


That adult belly looks so squishy and jiggly~ I was thinking Meredith just from her facial expressions. ^.^ (And inspiration so Schpa.)