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So! Rumor has it that Patreon is starting a site-wide crackdown on vore content as it may now fall under what is disallowed by the current content guidelines for the site. I’ve poked my head around to various other prominent vore artists pages and not everyone seems to have landed on Patreon’s radar yet, but it’s entirely possible that this may be the beginnings of a vore purge.

First things first, IF a vore purge is happening, according to my understanding of the content guidelines, there’s no reason my comics page would be removed, so if this page suddenly vanishes, I highly recommend you move your pledge to that page instead!


I’m also setting up a SubscribeStar page, which is still pending approval. If things start going south here I’ll be sure to link that around wherever I can, but for now, since nothing has been properly set up over there, I won’t be linking it yet.

Finally please follow me on Twitter or at least bookmark my Twitter page if you’re not a user. That’s likely where updates will happen should this page suddenly vanish without a trace.


Another very real possibility is that this page may continue to stay up but I will be told to delete every vore related post on it by staff. If that were to happen I would likely convert this page into a tip jar rather than have it be a content hub like it currently is.

For the time being I will be continuing on until I’m told otherwise, but please keep this stuff in mind as you continue to follow my content and support my work.

Thanks everyone,





I really hope this isn't the case, because I love supporting you and your work..


I would love to find out tomorrow that this was just a false rumor, but it seems pretty likely right now. I'll be sure to update if I find out more of course. Hopefully you'll all still be able to support me even if this turns out to be real.


as long as I can get ANY semi-reliable transaction up and running, I'll continue support, not matter the platform or payment method :)


The only artists I've seen really get hit have had artwork that focuses more on non-consensual prey, so you might/should be fine? Most of your artwork has consensual prey or, at most, grumpy prey. You don't really have the struggling screaming prey that, say, Karbo has that got them hit by this.


Something you might be capable of doing is make a Discord server where you post your Patreon artwork and only your Patreons would have access to it. That's what Aesir does, maybe it would work out for you too.


You might be right, I think this may be the line that I need to be careful about going forward. Honestly the fact that Karbo still has a page gives me hope since I'm pretty sure they're still making vore content, and their work has often delved into darker territory than I have.


I have considered this in the past, if Patreon decides that I need to start taking down my content they wouldn't allow me to get away with linking my discord page here. That's what HungrySuccubus tried to do before they got removed and Patreon called them out for it.


Well patron gets shittier by the second. The thing I don't get is. Why throw the money away?