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In the interest of keeping you guys up-to-date on how I'm doing here's a follow-up post. The short answer is that things are simultaneously good and bad.

Things are good because I have done everything my doc has told me and, presumably, successfully treated my issue. As such I should be able to put all of this behind me at this point. However things are bad because I still have lingering symptoms despite my doc assuming I'd be all better by now. In my experience with this kind of stuff, if the doc says you'll be all better by a certain point and you're not, there's usually something weird going on, so that's obnoxious.

Like I said in my last post, this issue isn't dangerous, but it is frustrating and persistent, so if I had to guess I'd say I'm probably going to have more appointments in my near future if my lingering symptoms don't resolve themselves in the next few days. All this combined with the fact that this sudden random issue put an $1100 dent in my wallet (so far) has made these past few weeks pretty irritating.

Crossing my fingers that my symptoms go away on their own and I can put this to bed, but I'm not counting on it. Once I get past all this junk I'll be sure to let you guys know.

Thanks again for all of your patience while I deal with real life crap. It means a lot to me.




As I said last time don't over do it take whatever you need to do and do it and take care of yourself. We will all still be here when you make your full comeback

brunis gat

Delta is right don't pressure yourself take your time to recover trust me I tried to go back to work after I was attacked by a dog and re opened the bite wound. Take your time and heal.


Yeah, but the thing is though I don't know if it's mental or physical or am I stupid and I missed what she said