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As I mentioned in the original post when I said I was going to be trying different ideas/approaches to these weekly pieces, sometimes experimentation can slow things down. This was technically supposed to go up on Monday, but it was nowhere near done at that point and I decided rather than rush it I would just chip away at it over the week until I got it to a point where I was happy with it. Admittedly there's still elements of this piece that bug me, but I am proud of myself for forgoing any type of outline/inking for this drawing and sticking solely to digital paints.

I learned a bit about how to approach a piece like this and made a few mistakes along the way, but all in all I think I did learn a few things from completing this one, and doing re-draws of screenshots seems like a good way to motivate myself to start practicing more "painting style" stuff so I may try more of these in the future.

While this project didn't get quite to where I wanted it to it does feel like a step up from last week's piece, so that's always good! One step at a time.
