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TL;DR at the bottom of this post!

Hey everyone,

So if you’re reading this you’re probably curious about what the image above is. It’s a bit different than the kind of pictures you’ve all become accustomed to seeing each week, and for many of you it’s probably not exactly what you were hoping for. Well to answer your question, and hopefully address your concern, it’s a much needed change of pace for me.

I’ve been drawing a new (generally) vore-themed pin-up every week for several years, and at this point I’m starting to feel like I’ve stretched the premise a bit thin. I’ve drawn big-bellied characters in so many different poses and from so many different angles I’ve started struggling to think of any new ones at this point. It’s become challenging for me to see a pin-up through from start to finish because it doesn’t feel like I’m really creating something anymore as I am assembling it. It feels robotic and repetitive, and that’s a lot less fun than creating something new. It’s quite possible this is something that you all have noticed, but I’d say it started getting more noticeable around the Pin-Up #127 mark. Regardless I’ve done enough long-term projects that I can recognize when I need to shift my approach to avoid burnout.

So what does this mean? Well I obviously don’t want to leave you guys high and dry. One of the primary features of this page is new content every week, and I do my best to make sure that happens without fail. I still intend to provide you with a weekly picture, but the contents of these images might be a bit more on the experimental side. I’m going to do my best to keep them sexy, but in some cases that may not end up being how things shake out.

I guess ultimately what I’m asking from you guys is just a bit of trust and patience while I work through some art block. I want to try out some new stuff, and I hope that my years of dedicated uploading has earned me a bit of trust from my dedicated patrons while I try to explore a bit. I can’t promise that everything I post will be of the quality you’ve come to expect (experimentation is often a bumpy ride), and my upload schedule may become a tad wonky as the time each piece will take could vary somewhat, but I can assure you guys that this is something I need to do, and I hope you all will trust me and stick around during this weird time.

Oh, and just to be clear, the monthly patron suggested pin-up is remaining unchanged. The contents of that piece is entirely up to the patron, and I do not intend to be approaching that piece any differently. Also the monthly poll-pic will still be happening. I may think about trying a different approach than just character suggestions, but I’ll have to give it some more thought before I nail anything down.

Thanks for reading this and thanks as always for your patience and your support!


TL;DR- Going to be doing some experimentation rather than stick to the weekly pin-up formula I’ve been doing for so long. Need a break from the repetition of attractive characters with big bellies. I want to keep things cute and sexy, but the content needs a change-up. The patron suggested image will remain unchanged during this time, and the poll pic won’t be drastically different but it could change slightly. This almost assuredly won’t be a permanent change. I greatly appreciate your patience and support during this period.




You take all the time you need to go through this art block. Doing personal arts and being creative is a wonderful way to switch things up and refresh your creativity!


Star - I’m so glad you’ve made this decision. I could tell you were starting to burn out on the weeklies. You’ve assembled a great collection of art you should be proud of, now it’s time to step back and do some things for you. Refresh yourself and innovate, test your limits. It’s much more healthy than grinding away when something creative becomes rote.


P.S. I like this pin-up. <3 Huff.


For sure. I think this is going to be a positive experience and I'm super happy to see your guys support in the comments. :)


Reading this makes me wish I'd done this sooner, haha. It's so awesome to see support for this decision and I'm going to do my best to try some new stuff out and see where that takes me. I know it's not all gonna come out perfect, but I think it's going to be a positive change of pace.

Mae Adeline

Sounds good. Also, wonderful image.