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Every once in awhile I get inspired to draw something I wouldn't normally draw. For whatever reason this picture popped into my head when I was brainstorming this week, and so I ran with it. I figured I do lots of cute and sweet stuff all the time, so it might be fun to do something with a character being a bit more harsh and unpleasant, but still give it a sexy/fun spin.

I didn't have an OC in my roster that fit that specific personality archetype, so I decided to just make up a new one. I named her Canna, and I'm not sure what the future holds for her, maybe she'll never show up again, maybe it'll be a rare appearance, but it's good to have her in the roster in case I feel like drawing another piece similar to this one.




I love her


This got a chuckle out of me, lol. Hopefully other people enjoy her as much as you do. :)