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Coming next month is Kim Bangable! Based of Kim possible. A very short game like fuckout where you get 3 basic endings. Full version released in July!

Goblin Waifu's beta will be released in August with My Neighbor's Secret first beta!

Goblin Waifu will be another short game, a bit like Orc Waifu but with a Short stacked Goblin Gal!

The Cheatmode version for Hijabi Mama game will be released tomorrow, I've encountered some trouble to automatically unlock all the scenes but hopefully I fix all that tomorrow.




(Proud Joy)


honestly if we got a new short game each month that would be cool like each one has its own short story i dont know how realistic one a month is but still would be cool none the less


Kim Bangable is already half way made, so I'll definitely be able to release it in July. Other games might take a little bit more than a month lol but I will try my best to release smaller games often. Maybe every 2-3 months along with The bigger games' updates?