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Would you guys want me to start making games with multiple girls in game you can flirt , date and get in bed with or would you like mini one character games like I've done in the past?



Can I offer a suggestion for something maybe in the future? A game with a muscular girl stalker trying to get with you. The objective is to avoid her but if she catches you it's game over.


I wouldn't mind multiple girls in the game. Because I like a game where you can choose one of the girls to talk with her or go out maybe have fun in bed with her After that you choose another girl to see her personality and all that sort of stuff.


Thanks for the suggestion :). There will be a muscular girl in the next games for sure! I love them!


Your welcome bro


I'm sure its a heavier workload, but all the characters you draw look fuckin' great so of course I'll want more!


It is but I think It will be worth it :) and also thank you for your support! I try my best to draw the best thick girls i can :D


I would like to see a game with multiple potential targets depicted in your unique art style. Just keep it a healthy mix of these two. If there's one thing I demand of the content I consume, it's variety!


It’ll be fun to see what type of characters and personality’s you come up with.